
Welcome to Faith Bible Church's Awana website

We will keep this calendar as current as possible. We're looking forward to a great, fun-filled year of AWANA!

Meeting nights are Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM

We offer 3 age groups: Cubbies for Preschool (age 3-4). Sparks for Kindergarten-2nd Grade. T&T (Truth and Training) for 3rd-6th Grade.

Our club is free to join. All are welcome! Families, please consider donating $30 for each child for the whole year to cover the cost of uniforms, books, awards, and events. We have many folks at our church who love Awana and support our club so while this donation is greatly appreciated, it is optional.

When your child comes to Awana they will receive a pamphlet or handbook. We encourage families review the lessons and verses at home during the week so that clubbers will be ready to say their verses to the leaders on Wednesday night.

While not the reason we do things, your child will have the opportunity to earn points for their team every club night. These points come from attendance, bringing their Bible and handbook, wearing their uniform, passing sections, answering questions, and winning games. Every week each club will have a winning team.

If you have any questions about our club, please feel welcome to reach out to our Ministry Director: Gabby McNicholas at gmcnicholas9@gmail.com.

Please register below.

Upcoming Awana Calendar
February 12 (Wed)
Awana meeting
Section assigned to Meeting:
Club Book Track Section Special
Cubbies HoneyComb 18 Special Day #3
T&T Mission: Grace in Action 3.5
February 19 (Wed)
Awana meeting
Section assigned to Meeting:
Club Book Track Section Special
Cubbies HoneyComb 19
T&T Mission: Grace in Action 3.6
February 26 (Wed)
Awana meeting
Section assigned to Meeting:
Club Book Track Section Special
Cubbies HoneyComb 20
T&T Mission: Grace in Action 3.7
March 5 (Wed)
Awana meeting
Section assigned to Meeting:
Club Book Track Section Special
Cubbies HoneyComb 21
T&T Mission: Grace in Action Go!